Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Soal SNMPTN 2008 Paket 1 - 6

Three public universities in Yogyakarta, namely the University of Gadjah Mada (UGM), Yogyakarta State University (UNY) and the State Islamic University (UIN) Sunan Kalijaga, on Monday began serving purchase registration form to the National Selection Entrance State University (SNMPTN) 2008.

The three universities that each serve a purchase three types of group registration form, namely science, social studies and IPC (combined Science and Social Science). Registration form provided by the committee SNMPTN in Yogyakarta for this year some 12,000 pieces, because many colleges that have accepted new students through self-examination, thereby reducing the quota of new students through the SNMPTN.

Download Soal SNMPTN 2008 Paket 1 - 6

Basic Studies Field Test Tes Bidang Studi Dasar)

Field Test Study of Science (Tes Bidang Studi IPA)

    Download Soal IPA Terpadu, You do not need it in SNMPTN 2011, just testing this UI Consider IPT / IPST

Social Studies Field Test(Tes Bidang Studi IPS)

    Soal IPS Terpadu, You do not need it in SNMPTN 2011, just testing this UI Consider IPT / IPST

As GMU only provide a quota of five per cent through SNMPTN path, or down compared to last year's 18 percent. Similarly, UNY that 67 percent of its quota last year, is now down to 40 percent.

Form groups of IPA and IPS were sold at 150,000, while IPC worth Rp175.000 form. Registration fees directly deposited into the account the same. Purchase form SNMPTN served from June 16 to 27 June in Indonesia.

Some 56 universities across Indonesia this year held in lieu SNMPTN Selection Admissions (SPMB).

Important Notes

In SNMPTN every eye exam will be assessed based on their rank on a scale of zero to one hundred before the value is summed with the other exams. Therefore, every eye exam should be done as possible and nothing is overlooked.


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