Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Pembahasan Soal SNMPTN 2009 Paket 1 - 6

Application presentil system for new students who choose teacher education majors are expected to shape the personality and credibility of the teacher is getting better. Rector of the Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya, Prof. Dr. Ir Priyo Suprobo, his office said that with this system, students are considered more qualified candidate because mastering a variety of disciplines. On the other hand, prospective students who go into education teacher should have a high enough value.

"The value they are fine and I'm sure once a few years into the future teacher is really qualified. Especially with presentil rating system, only those who qualified who qualify. In addition, according to the results announcement of the national selection into public universities (SNMPTN) 2009 unknown , minimal value received by prospective students in educational institutions educational staff (LPTK) increase, "he said.

According to him, this year the average value of at least acceptable in LPTKs reached number 85. "Existing data indicate so. The value of the prospective student to teacher education increases and a positive thing because one day the teachers in Indonesia will be better again," he said

Local Committee Chairman SNMPTN 2009 Budi Jatmiko explain, interest in candidates who register at LPTK this year increased sharply. At least, there are a thousand enthusiasts in Surabaya are trying to take SNMPTN to be able to occupy the bench in some faculties of education.

Download Pembahasan Soal SNMPTN 2009 Paket 1 - 6

Basic Studies Field Test Tes Bidang Studi Dasar)

Field Test Study of Science (Tes Bidang Studi IPA)

Social Studies Field Test(Tes Bidang Studi IPS)

"Interested in Unesa (Surabaya State University) this year to increase between 9% to 10%," said Budi. Based on the result of selection known to the minimal value accepted in the Faculty of Science Unesa in numbers ranging from 85.

Earlier, Chairman Haris SNMPTN Supratno say, a total of Rp 5 billion provided scholarships for 15,501 students from poor families or poor. Each student will receive a scholarship the first semester of USD 2.5 million. But the 15,501 forms distributed to the 5167 high school, the forms back to only 3599 participants. Meanwhile, those who pass university entrance scholarship selection (BMU) of 3403 participants. BMU target turned out to shrink again because the register SNMPTN only 2690 participants who take the test and approximately 2421 participants.

Important Notes

In SNMPTN every eye exam will be assessed based on their rank on a scale of zero to one hundred before the value is summed with the other exams. Therefore, every eye exam should be done as possible and nothing is overlooked.


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