PTN insisted Conducting Self Selection
The government has issued regulations for PTN from 2011 held a selection entry independently after implementation SNMPTN around June 2011. In Regulation of the Minister of National Education No. 34 Year 2010 on Patterns of Undergraduate Admissions at the University of Organized Governments, highlighted the need for educators to receive new students through a national selection (SNMPTN written test and an invitation) at least 60 percent and about 40 percent of independent paths.
Even in Article 6 provided that the acceptance of new students independently conducted after the admission of new students nationally. However, in reality, a number of PTN has opened registration independent selection.
There is an open enrollment state university and hold a written test before SNMPTN. There is also an open enrollment state university first, but the exam he wrote after SNMPTN.
Independent selection before SNMPTN, among others, performed Bandung Institute of Technology. Registration via the search selection self-interest, talent, potential ITB (PMBP-ITB) and the Partnership Nusantara ITB opened online on February 1 to April 1 2011. The written test was held on April 30 to May 1
ITB Rector Akhmaloka said ITB remain independent selection conducted in accordance with the original plan. Because the ITB is still in transition and status as a state university state-owned legal entity.
Thus, Akhmaloka assess the implementation of the provisions of self-selection after SNMPTN not binding ITB. Therefore, the ITB is currently not a college organized government.
"The important ITB remains committed accept new students through the national selection, at least 60 percent. Even in the future if you can be 100 percent, "he said.
Separately, the Director of Academic Administration, Gadjah Mada University who is also Chairman of Gadjah Mada University Entrance Exam Widyobroto Budi Prasetyo said, GMU 2011, continued to carry out an independent examination before SNMPTN. UGM entrance exam of an independent path, which was named Talent Search Exam Swadana Write Path, will be held on schedule, namely March 27, 2011.
"This schedule was already informed to the public since October 2010. The point about self-regulation should be national selection just after the release, "he said in Yogyakarta.
According to Budi, a sudden change of schedule selection is feared will make people confused.